Date of Birth:
11th day of bright half of the month of Bhadrapad in 1724.(A.D. 1668)
Left the World:He lived on the earth till 1820.(A.D 1781)
Balya Avastha:
It is interesting to know how he attained Scholarship. A greatly learned Pundit of Kashi happened to go to his place in Surat, Gujarat when he was just seven years old. Pundit, belonging to other sect, tried to induce Vaishnavas of Pushti sect to follow his sect by various means. Not only that, he also challenged Acharyas of Pushti sect for debate on the supremacy of Shri Krishna as a Lord. Taking up the challenge, Shri Purushottama-charana’s mother assured her child’s readiness within just three days. When Shri Purushottama-charana knew it, he went to the refuge of Shri Vallabhacharya by reciting Shri Sarvottamastotra non-stop for three days in the basement of the residence. The third day Shri Vallabhacharya himself granted him the boon of fulfillment of his desire. Debate was arranged. At the end of the debate Pundit accepted his defeat.
His contribution in the field of literature is of nearly one million Shlokas. His scholarship was unique. Whenever he had to travel, it is said that three carts full of scriptural books and some stenos used to be with him. He would dictate two-three treatises simultaneously.
Life of Shri Purushottama-charana was extremely simple. It was his mission to write commentary on each and every work of the founders of Shuddhadvaita Pushti bhakti Sampradaya, mainly Shri Vallabhacharya and Shri Vitthalanatha-prabhucharana. Not only this he also wrote many comparative and critical works for the clarification of the stand of Shuddhadvaita Pushti bhakti Sampradaya on various philosophical and theological issues. He used to supply his works to the scholars of other systems to understand their reactions and to continue dialog in pure academic spirit.
- ‘Prakasha’ Commentary on Anu-Bhashya of Shri Vallabhacharya on Brahmasutra.
- Commentary on Bhavarthapada-Bhashya of Shri Vallabhacharya.
- ‘Avaranabhanga’ Commentary on Tatvarthdipanibandha.
- ‘Prakasha’ Commentary on Subodhini.
- ‘Vivrti’ Commentary on Mimamsakarika.
- ‘Vivarana’ Commentary on Patravalambanam.
- Commentary on Shodashgrantha.
- Yamunastakam
- Balabodha
- Siddhantamuktavali
- Pushtipravahamaryada
- Siddhantarahasya
- Navaratnam
- Antahkaranaprabodha
- Bhaktivardhini
- Jalabheda
- Panchapadyani
- Nirodhalakshana
- Sevaphalam
- Commentary on Vrtrasura Chatuhshloki
- Commentary on Vidvan-mandanam of Vitthalnathji.
- Shri Purushottam-charan
- ‘Tritha’ Commentary on ‘Tarangini’ Commentary Of Sri Raghunathji on Bhaktihamsa of Vitthalnathji.
- ‘Viveka’ on Bhaktihamsa of Vitthalnathji.
- Commentary on Gayatryartha-Karika of Vitthalnathji.
- Commentary on Nyasadesha-Vivarana by Vitthalnathji.
- Commentary on Vallabhashtakam.
- Vedantadhikarana-mala (Reprinted by Goswami Shyam Manoharji)
- Bhavaprakashika (Reprinted by Goswami Shyam Manoharji)
- 24 Vaadas / Vaadavali
- Prahast-Vada (Commented himself)
- Panditkarabhindipal-Vada
- Avirbhav-tirobhav-Vada
- Khyati-Vada
- Srshtibheda-Vada
- Bhedabheda-svarupanirnaya-Vada
- Abhava-Vada (Not available)
- Pratibimba-Vada
- Andhakara-Vada
- Brahmanatvadidevata-Vada
- Jivavyapakatva-khandana-Vada / Jivanutva-Vada Unpublished)
- Jivapratibimbatvakhandana-Vada
- Bhagavat-svarupavishayaka-shankanirasa-Vada
- Svavrtti-Vada
- Bhagavat-pratikrti-pujana-Vada
- Nama-phaladi-prakara-Vada
- Tulasimala-dharana-Vada
- Shankha-chakra-dharana-Vada
- Urdhvapundra-dharana-Vada
- Jayasrikrishna-uccharana-Vada (Unpublished)
- Upadesha-vishayaka-shankanirasa-Vada
- Vastraseva-Vada (Unpublished)
- Bhaktyutkarsha-Vada
- Bhakti-rastva-Vada
- Prasthanaratnakara (Reprinted by Goswami Shyam Manoharji)
- Upanishd-artha-samgraha on
- Brhmopanishad
- Kaivalyopanishad
- Mandukyopanishad-Dipika
- Nrsimhottara-tapinyupanishad-Dipika
- Murtipujana Vaada
- Utsavapratan
- Shodashagranthanam Prakarana Samgati
- ‘Amrta-tarmgini’ Commentary on Gita
- Khalalapana-vidhvamsa-vaada
- Dvatrimshad-aparadha-khsamapana-tika
- Dravyashuddhi etc