How to go to Kumudvan?
Kumudvan is three miles away from Taalvan. Out of the twelve vans in Vraj, Kumudvan is the third.
Places to visit at Kumudvan:
Durga Devi temple in village called Girdharpur near Kumudvan. Krshnakund. Mahaprabhuji’s Bethakji on that Kund.Temple of Kapildevji.
Charitra of Shri Bethakji:
Shri Mahaprabhuji had done Shri Bhagwat Katha for three days sitting below the tree of Shyamatmal at Krshnakund when he visited Kumudvan. Shri Mahaprabhuji described the Leela that Shri Thakorji had done in Kumudvan to all the sevaks when one of the sevaks named Krshnadas Meghan asked about the same.
EPISODE:There is a village called Girdharpur near Kumudvan. Once Shri Thakorji went there for grazing cows. At that time Shri Durga Devi who resided in Girdharpur did poojan of Shri Thakorji and requested him that when He will lift up mountain Goverdhan, the ego of Indra will be hurt. At the order of Indra all the twelve clouds and forty-nine winds will attack Vraj. At that time even I will strike Vraj by being a lightening. For this reason I feel very sorry. Shri Thakorji was very much pleased with the sentiments of Shri Durga Devi. He gave her blessing (Vardaan) that whoever will do her pooja for meting him His darshan personally or in his dreams. In reference to Shri Thakorji’s Goverdhan Leela, the village was named Girdharpur.